Downtown Man Arrested For Threats and Tire Slashing

Downtown Man Arrested For Threats and Tire Slashing

Downtown Gainesville man George Carlyon, 33, was arrested at 200 SE 1st St Sunday morning and charged with property damage and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after reportedly threatening a man with a knife and slashing his tries. 

According to Carlyon’s arrest report, around 3:45 am he asked the victim if he wanted to hang out with him, and the victim declined. Carlyon disregarded his response and began following the victim to his car. 

Carlyon proceeded to threaten the man, stating, “I’m going to fucking hurt you, I’m going to fucking kill you.” 

The victim responded by arming himself with his guitar in self-defense before retreating into the vehicle.

As a result, Carlyon took his knife and slashed the tires and windshield of the victim’s vehicle.

The arrest report then states, “Carlyon then walked away from the victim to find his dog.” 

Gainesville Police Department (GPD) officer Brandon Mills observed $800 in total damage to the vehicle: $500 to the windshield and $300 to the tires. 

As Mills was observing the scene, an unidentified witness pointed to Carlyon while acknowledging Mills, stating, “That’s him; that’s the one you’re looking for.” The arrest report indicates this person left the scene immediately after pointing out Carlyon. 

Carlyon denied all allegations to Mills. The arrest report states, “Carlyon advised the victim attempted to steal his shoe. Carlyon deflected all questions relating to the six-inch black pocketknife that was confiscated from [him]."

Carlyon has zero felony adjudications and six misdemeanor adjudications for crimes ranging from drug possession to petty theft. 

Carlyon has been given a bond of $30,000, with $5,000 for the charge of property damage and $25,000 for the assault charge. 

Carlyon is publicly known among members of the Downtown Gainesville community to have a dog named Pigeon. 

Based on a Reddit post, Pigeon is reportedly lost and was last seen in front of Lillian’s. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL