Ex-Con Arrested For Two Counts of Sexual Battery

Ex-Con Arrested For Two Counts of Sexual Battery
Corey Montanise Larry https://acso.us/inmate-search/

Corey Montanise Larry, 25, was arrested on August 14 and charged with two counts of sexual battery for raping a woman he’d been friends with since childhood. 

According to the arrest report, on August 11, Larry came into the victim’s house after she offered him food since he was homeless.

Once Larry was inside he demanded sex and attempted to rape the victim. She fought him off, but Larry made another attempt the same day and raped the victim. Larry raped her again the following day.

During Larry’s police interview, he claimed the victim raped him and that he choked her in self-defense.  

Larry has previously served three years in prison for burglary within an occupied dwelling. The victim said this made her fearful of Larry. 

Larry was released from prison on December 28, 2022. 

The court approved the state’s motion for pretrial detention, and Larry will be confined as his trial is ongoing. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL