Gainesville Man Arrested for Attacking Woman Multiple Times

Alan David Averitt, 61, was arrested last week and charged with domestic battery and obstructing justice.
The victim told police that unprovoked, Averitt chased her into their bedroom and pinned her to the bed by her throat. The victim fought off Averitt and she ran out of the bedroom.
The victim grabbed a house phone and called 911, and Averitt attempted to take it, chasing her out of the house during the struggle.
Averit reportedly grabbed the victim by her wrist, causing her to drop the phone. Averitt picked up the phone and said, “It’s just my crazy wife,” and the dispatcher hung up.
The victim ran back inside and locked the front door and then locked herself in the bathroom.
Realizing he was locked out of the house, Averitt reportedly ripped off a screen window and crawled through.
Officers observed property damage to the house consistent with the victim’s report.
Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Deputy John Stevens reported, “In a post-Miranda interview with [Averitt], he stated he has a bad memory because of a brain injury. When asked why this incident occurred; [his] answer was because he was an ‘asshole.”’
Averitt’s bond is set at $50,000.