Gainesville Man Found Guilty of Domestic Battery but Avoids Conviction on Kidnapping and Strangulation Charges

Gainesville Man Found Guilty of Domestic Battery but Avoids Conviction on Kidnapping and Strangulation Charges
Kaden Martin Jonas.

On Tuesday, Kaden Martin Jonas, 20, was found guilty of domestic battery and granted a withheld adjudication on strangulation and kidnapping charges. Jonas initially pleaded not guilty, but Judge Denise Ferrero approved a plea deal where he pleaded no contest. This means Jonas did not admit or deny committing the crime.

Jonas was sentenced to six months in jail with 105 days time-served, followed by three years of probation. While on probation, Jonas will undergo a substance abuse evaluation and be subject to random drug tests.

On November 20, 2023, Jonas and the victim were arguing, and she told him she needed some space. Jonas then hit her in the face several times.

The victim told police she didn’t know if Jonas punched her or slapped her, but she had a cut lip and significant bruising on her face.

Jonas reportedly grabbed the victim by the throat while cursing at her.

After Jonas stopped, the victim entered her closet to pack her things. Jonas reportedly closed the closet door on the victim and refused to let her out for five minutes.

The victim attempted to call people for help but nobody picked up and she ended up sleeping on the floor of the house.

When the victim woke up, Jonas was still angry and began picking up her belongings. Jonas blamed the victim, stating he would be “keeping [her belongings] in return for the things she had done to him.”

Jonas picked up the victim’s bong, and when she went to grab it, Jonas dropped it, and it shattered. Jonas blamed the victim again and told her to pick up the glass. Jonas began bashing the victim against a wall and punching her after she said she wouldn’t pick the glass up.

During the argument, the victim took off a bracelet Jonas had given her, and he took off a chain she gave him. Jonas began hitting the victim with the chain before putting her in a chokehold that impeded her breathing.

The victim bit Jonas on the chest in self-defense in an attempt to get away. Jonas twisted the victim’s arm, leaving bruises on her wrist.

The victim managed to escape from Jonas and fled to a nearby store, where she was picked up by a family member.

When an officer went to the incident location, Jonas was nowhere to be found, and his vehicle was gone.

The victim told police Jonas would say he has “stress and anger built up because of his concerns of her cheating.” Jonas physically abused the victim over an ongoing period, reportedly hitting her and grabbing her by the throat frequently.

Jonas’ warrant was served in December 2023, but he was released on recognizance in January 2024.

Order granting Jonas recognizance release (Alachua County Court Records)

On January 12, 2025, Jonas was re-arrested for failing to appear at his plea deal hearing.

Jonas is scheduled to be released on May 5, 2025.

Jonas on ACSO Booking Log
Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL