Gainesville Man with Open Cases for Domestic Battery and Scamming Arrested for Aggravated Assault

Gainesville Man with Open Cases for Domestic Battery and Scamming Arrested for Aggravated Assault
Patrick James Ruda.

Patrick James Ruda, 38, was arrested Sunday night and charged with aggravated assault and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Police arrived on the scene after receiving calls from people saying Ruda pointed a gun at the victim. 

Gainesville Police Department Officer John Holt reported that Ruda was holding what resembled a small silver handgun while standing next to the victim; however, it ended up being a knife shaped like a gun. 

The victim told police that Ruda was holding a knife and that he was “just playing.” 

Ruda stated he held a knife shaped like a gun at the victim “as a joke.” 

Police searched Ruda and reportedly found a crack pipe with meth residue. Ruda stated the pipe was for “tobacco use only.” 

Ruda’s bond is set at $52,000.

Ruda's first appearance order (Alachua County Court Records)

In July 2024, Ruda was charged with domestic battery via sworn complaint. A witness told police he saw Ruda throw the victim’s belongings in her yard, punch her, and push her to the ground. Ruda was not arrested in this case. 

In September 2024, Ruda was arrested and charged with possessing counterfeit credit cards and two counts of fraud. Ruda was released after posting a 76,000 bond, and a warrant for his domestic battery case was not issued. 

Ruda was issued a summons for his domestic battery case in November 2024. 

Ruda's summons' service date (Alachua County Court Records)

Ruda attended a pretrial conference for his domestic battery case yesterday, but details have not yet been released.

Ruda is currently pleading not guilty in his fraud case, but he’s scheduled to change his plea on tomorrow. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL