Gainesville Mayor Speaks on Meetings with Florida Legislators

Gainesville Mayor Speaks on Meetings with Florida Legislators
Gainesville Mayor Harvey Ward speaks on his meetings with state officials (photo cred. gnvinfo)

At the Gainesville City Commission meeting this morning, Gainesville Mayor Harvey Ward said he had positive discussions with members of the Florida legislature on Tuesday ahead of the legislative session. 

Ward said he and members of Gainesville’s lobbying firm met 12 members of the legislature and had half-hour meetings with nine of them. 

Five of the legislators Ward met make up the Alachua County Legislative Delegation.

The Alachua County Legislative Delegation: Representative Chuck Brannan (R-District 10), Senator Jennifer Bradley (R-District 6), Senator Stan McClain (R-District 9), Representative Chad Johnson (R-District 22), and Representative Yvonne Hinson (D-District 20).

Ward said, “I have never experienced a more graceful and welcoming attitude from every office that we went to. Much of that I think is due to our excellent lobbying firm.”

Ward said he had a “great” conversation about housing policies with McClain. “I was not expecting that; he was detailed,” said Ward.  

Ward said legislators had positive comments for him about utilities in the city. 

“It’s rare that I leave Tallahassee feeling good about things; I did on Tuesday,” said Ward.

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL