GPD Officer Chases Wawa Shoplifter on Foot After Confirming Theft of Beef Jerky Stick; Falls on Face

GPD Officer Chases Wawa Shoplifter on Foot After Confirming Theft of Beef Jerky Stick; Falls on Face
(Left) GPD Officer Amanda Figueredo holding Officer of the Month certificate (Right) Jake Schulte

The following is the arrest report of Jake Schulte written by Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Officer Amanda Figueredo.

“On [August 28 at the Wawa located across the street from Library West at 10:01 p.m.] I was working an overtime theft prevention detail while in full police uniform (police patches and badge). 
While in the area, I observed the DEF walking around the store, and grabbing multiple items. The DEF caught my attention because he was looking around and grabbing items, which was consistent with the behavior of someone attempting to steal goods. I observed the DEF holding a "Raising Canes" grocery bag, and three bags of chips. I followed the DEF as he began to walk quickly toward the northern exit of the store. As I approached the DEF, he was able to see me through the exit door glass and turned around, walking away from the exit. I made contact with the DEF and told him to walk toward the registers to pay for the items.
The DEF advised that he was going to pay for the items and that he was only trying to grab a pack of ramen noodles. After grabbing the ramen noodles, the DEF began to walk through the store and toward the southern exit. The DEF stopped near one of the shelves and placed the three bags of chips and ramen noodles on it. I observed as the DEF began to exit through the southern exit while holding the Raising Canes bag and a beef jerky stick. I followed the DEF out of the store and observed him running eastbound on W University Ave.
I began to pursue the DEF on foot, east on W University Ave. Once I caught up to the the DEF [he] turned around and saw me behind him. I yelled "Police Stop" and tried to grab the DEF as he ran from me. As I grabbed the DEF, he pushed me off of him using his left arm/ hand, causing me to fall onto the asphalt along W University Ave and hit my head. I immediately got back up and began to try and catch up to the DEF. We continued southbound onto campus, running east of the library. As I approached Stetson Hall, I lost sight of the DEF.
As of this writing, I could only confirm that the DEF passed all points of sale without paying for one beef jerky stick totaling $3.59. It appeared that he took additional items and placed them into the raising canes bag but we have not been able to confirm any additional items.

[Figueredo appears to switch from first to third person perspective in her report.] 

VIC1 was transported to Shands ER. The ER doctor confirmed that VIC1 sustained a concussion and contusion to the head. 
The DEF was identified by Ofc. Figueredo via photo lineup, which was administered by an independent administrator. The DEF's identification was verified by his DAVID [Driver and Vehicle Information Database] photo.”

Schulte was arrested the following day and charged with petty theft and resisting an officer with violence.

Schulte’s bond is set at $10,000 and he has been ordered to not make contact with Wawa if released. 

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL