Gun-Toting Abuser Released on Recognizance; Fails to Appear

Gun-Toting Abuser Released on Recognizance; Fails to Appear
Jessy James Westberry

Jessy James Westberry, 26, was arrested yesterday for not appearing at his domestic battery case hearing. 

On March 31, 2023, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) responded to a domestic battery incident after receiving a call from the victim’s father due to Westberry taking her phone. 

The victim told police that she and Westberry were in an argument over the scheduling of his doctor’s appointment when Westberry started destroying items in their house. After ripping a door from its hinges, Westberry grabbed the victim's keys and broke them apart. 

Westberry reportedly threw a cup of juice at the victim, and she grabbed her phone and said she was calling the police. Westberry grabbed her hand to prevent her from making the call.  

The victim managed to get her car keys and started trying to leave. As she walked toward her car, Westberry grabbed a gas container and threw it at her leg. As she was about to enter the car, Westberry grabbed the victim’s jacket collar and pulled her back, only stopping because a car drove by. 

Westberry went back inside and grabbed an assault rifle, the victim’s phone, and her keys before fleeing the scene by car. 

ACSO Deputy Thomas Sapundjieff reported that Westberry “did willfully and intentionally prevent the victim from calling 911, batter her twice during the course of the argument, and forcefully restrained the victim from leaving the residence in her own vehicle. [Westberry] has since turned off the victim’s phone and has not been located.”

Westberry was arrested by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office on April 3, 2023, and transferred to ACSO a few days later. 

Westberry was charged with battery, domestic battery, kidnapping, and obstructing justice.

Judge David Kreider set Westberry’s bond at $70,000, with the order being signed by Judge Mitchell Bishop; however, Judge William Davis later ordered Westberry to be released on recognizance. 

Most of Westberry’s charges were dropped after his release, and he now faces one count of domestic battery. 

On June 29, 2023, Westberry requested the court modify his pretrial release to allow him to contact his children over the phone. 

The victim sent a letter to Judge Walter Green saying she didn’t intend to prevent Westberry from contacting their children and requested the modification motion be granted. Green granted the order. 

In 2020, Westberry was charged with domestic battery for punching the same victim in the head, but the charges were dropped. 

On September 3, 2024, Judge Kristine Van Vorst issued a capias for Westberry’s arrest because he failed to appear at his domestic battery hearing. She set his bond at $5,000. 

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL