Man Arrested for Attacking Woman in Car

Man Arrested for Attacking Woman in Car
Tracy Marcel Young.

Tracy Marcel Young, 54, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with two counts of domestic battery, burglary, and property damage. 

The victim was at a gas station when Young saw her and began to yell at her from his vehicle. The victim drove away, but Young followed in his car and forced the victim to pull over to avoid a collision. 

While pulled over, the victim told Young to leave her alone, and he began threatening to kill her. Young reached through the victim’s partially opened car window and opened the door and then began punching her. Young broke the victim’s necklace and choked her with it. The victim bit Young’s finger in self-defense, causing him to let go and giving her the opportunity to drive away.

The victim had visible injuries. 

Gainesville Police Department Officer Gregory Meshes called Young and arranged a meeting. Young told Meshes he “had an altercation” with the victim and said she bit him but would not elaborate further. 

Young was convicted of aggravated assault in 1999 and aggravated battery on a pregnant victim in 2006.

Young has no bond pending a pretrial detention motion by the State Attorney’s Office.

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL