Man Arrested for Attempted First Degree Murder

Man Arrested for Attempted First Degree Murder
Gabino Pacheco.

Gabino Pacheco, 30, was arrested on Wednesday on a warrant for attempted first degree murder.

Gainesville Police Department Officer Ronnie Hartley reported the following:

“While driving out of the parking area, a subject (later identified as [Pacheco]) ran out in front of his truck stopping [the victim]. [Pacheco] demanded he exit the truck, but the victim refused. After several times telling the victim to get out of his vehicle, [Pacheco] pulled a handgun from his waistband. [Pacheco] then raised the handgun up and pointed it directly at the victim. Fearing for his life, the victim reversed in his vehicle, then drove forward around [Pacheco] to flee the area. While driving away, [Pacheco] fired a round from the handgun, striking the victim’s rear bumper on the driver’s side…. I requested a Spanish speaking officer to be enroute to obtain more detail. Ofc. Farner responded to assist with the investigation. At this point officers were advised that the victim has a sister that currently still resides in Mexico. The sister had recently broke off her relationship with [Pacheco]. On February 25th, [Pacheco] started sending messages to the victim telling him that he needed to meet with, him to talk. [Pacheco] continued texting the victim (multiple messages), becoming more threatening. Finally on the 26th of February, the victim had [Pacheco] blocked after [he] made a threat to find him and bring friends to ‘get him.’ The messages also stated that he had been to his residence and observed the victim's cars being home. The messages stated that because of this, [Pacheco] knew he was home. Several of. the messages also included statements. that the DEF and friends of the DEF would cause physical harm to him. The victim advised that he had never met [Pacheco], and could not give much personal information.”

Pacheco has been placed on a hold by U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the State Attorney’s Office intends to file for pretrial detention.

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL