Man Arrested For Choking Ex Again; Released on Bond Again

Man Arrested For Choking Ex Again; Released on Bond Again
Curtis Franklin

Curtis Franklin, 40, has been arrested and released twice this year in two domestic battery by strangulation cases.

The initial sworn complaint, filed on May 25, states that in the middle of the night during the previous month, Franklin choked and beat his girlfriend during an argument about him not paying his bills. He was arrested in June and released the next day on a $50,000 bond.

A month after Franklin was released, his ex-girlfriend came forward to report another incident that occurred in December 2023. After beating and choking the victim, Curtis reportedly punched himself in the face and threatened to tell police the victim did it so she’d go to jail. 

The victim attempted to leave after Curtis began hurting himself, and he grabbed her by the shirt collar. The victim kneed Curtis in the testicles, and Curtis responded by pushing her against a fridge and saying, “I better leave before I kill you."

Sometime after this incident, the victim texted Franklin photos of her injuries and said, “[You] gave me all that.”

Franklin responded, “I know you deserve better you really do. I'm sorry for everything, so I have to be a man and let you go. I'm going to miss you, but it’s best for you.” 

The victim responded, “I’m fucked up physically trying to hide bruises and shit, and [you] don’t care. And we have no choice. Cause I don’t know everything about love, but it's not supposed to hurt…. I did everything in my power to uplift [you]. Did [you] do the same?”

The victim had video evidence of the battery and submitted photographs of her injuries to police.

Curtis was arrested for this incident on Tuesday. He posted a $100,000 bond the same day.

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL