Man Arrested For Domestic Battery After Hitting Woman With Vase During Drunken Argument With Brother

Man Arrested For Domestic Battery After Hitting Woman With Vase During Drunken Argument With Brother
James Clifford Ridgon.

James Clifford Ridgon, 64, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with domestic battery and battery on a person 65 years or older. 

Rigdon got into an argument with his older brother after he accused him of drinking his last beer. Rigdon hit his brother with a chair and shoved him to the ground. 

When Rigdon’s brother got up Rigdon threw a vase at him. Broken glass shattered, hitting a female family member in the face who was sitting on the couch. 

Rigdon and his brother were both drunk and refused to talk to police about the altercation. 

Rigdon told Gainesville Police Department officers that they should “figure it out” and advised “there was nothing to talk about” because he fights with his brother frequently. 

Rigdon has five felony and eight misdemeanor adjudications, with his most recent being in 2006. 

Rigdon’s bond is set at $30,000.

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL