Man Charged For Violating Pretrial Conditions of Domestic Violence Case

Man Charged For Violating Pretrial Conditions of Domestic Violence Case
Christian Eugene Thompson.

A man awaiting trial on charges of aggravated battery, kidnapping, obstructing justice, larceny, obstructing a criminal investigation, and resisting an officer without violence has been charged for violating his pretrial conditions eleven times. 

Christian Eugene Thompson, 29, was arrested on February 21 for stabbing his partner and imprisoning her for over twelve hours. An investigation showed that Thompson used another inmate’s phone pin to call the victim eleven times from February through August. 

Thompson reportedly told the victim he “didn’t do anything to hurt her” and attempted to cut her off when she brought up the case. 

The sworn complaint states that in January, after severely beating the victim, Thompson threatened to show her "what human sacrifices are" and then repeatedly stabbed her in the left leg.

Thompson agreed to call 911 due to how much he injured the victim but threatened to harm her mother and shoot up her house if she didn’t lie to the police. They both told responding officers from the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) that they’d been robbed.

After the victim got out of the hospital, she blocked Thompson’s number but remained fearful he returned to their apartment, which he isn’t on a lease for. 

In February, the victim’s mother observed her wounds while helping clean out her apartment, leading to her telling ACSO what happened and Thompson’s arrest.

Thompson’s total bond is $515,000. 

A detective from ACSO has requested that Thompson's phone usage be limited to attorney communications only.

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL