Man Shoots at Police After Robbing a Zaxby's

Man Shoots at Police After Robbing a Zaxby's

On October 21, at 9:10 pm, the Gainesville Police Department (GPD), along with the Alachua Sheriff’s Office (ASO), and their K-9 unit responded to an armed robber who shot up a Zaxby’s located at Nw 10th Ave. 

GPD arrived on the scene to find multiple Zaxby’s employees and customers who had a gun pulled on them by the suspect. The suspect fired the gun at multiple employees before taking money and running away. No customers or employees were hit. 

Officers found shell casings and bullet holes at the scene of the crime. 

ASO began searching for the suspect with K-9s when the combined communications center received calls about a man in the area who was carrying a handgun. ASO managed to track the suspect and commanded him to stop. In response, the suspect fired his gun at police and fled the area. No officers were hit.

GPD’s news release describes the suspect as wearing black pants, a black hoodie, and a black and white face covering. As of this writing, he has not been located. 

GPD Audio:

Source: Broadcastify

1. Some audio quality is poor and there may be mistakes. Codes have been put in to flag possible inaccuracies:

(GARBLED): I cannot make the audio out.

(?): I have an idea of what they're saying but there are doubts.

2.  A lot of audio contains police code. Police code will be marked in bold.

3. Speakers have been associated with numbers, however, they may be incorrect at times. 

Disclaimer: Audio that references incidents other than this shooting have not been transcribed and are disregarded from this transcript.

Audio file: 9:09 pm - 9:39 pm

Oct 21 909 pm 939 pm

5:07 Speaker 1: (GARBLED) Channel 1 10-33 signal 20(?) at Zaxbys’ on Northwest 10th Street. 82 November 2. Golf 10-8 be in route. 

06:22 6:22 Speaker 1: Complaints advising they heard a gunshot and saw an employee jump out of the window to the ground, didn’t appear to be hurt. Someone shot him by the door. The suspect said, ‘give me all your money’ before he fired the gun.  (GARBLED) 24 alpha now. There are still seven people inside the building, sounded like a bravo mike, 17 years of age. Has a weapon and is possibly an employee. Another callers advising bravo mike, unknown age, black hoodie, and black mask. One of the complainants is gonna be in a green car.

07:28 7:29 Speaker 2: Foxtrot 2 I’m gonna be 97 from the North.

07:31 7:31 Speaker 1: 97 from the North. Suspect should be on foot. Unknown EOT. 

07:43 7:43 Speaker 3: Somebody 10-12 with an employee. Subjects going Westbound on 10th Avenue from Zaxby's. 

07:48 Speaker 1: Westbound on 10th Avenue. 

07:52 7:52 Speaker 3: To confirm target is heading Westbound on 10th Avenue. Wearing all black. 

07:57 Speaker 2: Verifying(?) nobody was shot inside.

08:10 Speaker 4: Hotel 2. Stand by with EMS I may have one victim shot.

08:33 Speaker 5: Units responding has confirmed that he left on foot. Could we get a perimeter set up and I'll start working on the dogs. 

08:43 Speaker 2: Foxtrot 2 there are multiple victims. Witness is saying he's Westbound on 10th ave on foot. 6th Street with uniform on 10th ave. 

09:36 Speaker 4: Hotel 2 can we get a couple of more units with us cause were gonna clear out Zaxby's and make sure nobody else is inside. Everybody else is outside. We just wanna clear this building. 

09:48 Speaker 1: Just verifying you don't have any patients yet.

09:51 Speaker 4: No the one lady that I was with said that she hurt herself while trying to get out of the window. Not shot or anything and she gonna need medical attention(?)

10:00 Speaker 6: Anyone else coming to set up on a perimeter please?

11:02 Speaker 7: Victor an 1(?) I'm just an 1(?) in an unmarked. Whenever we get a description of suspect let me know.

11:10 Speaker 1: Bravo mike black (GARBLED) 17 years of age wearing all black. Black ski mask black jacket. 

11:15 Speaker 5: 857 Gainesville can we see if ASO has the dogs please.

11:19 Speaker 1: That's 10-4

11:21 Speaker 7: Delta 2 (GARBLED)

11:47 Speaker 8: Sierra 2 10-65 perimeter. 

11:48 Speaker 1: Go ahead. 

11:50 Speaker 8: Went West lets take off West end perimeter 13th Street. Start to lock that down first. I want victor(?) units of 16th ave. We'll hold the Eastern side at Main Street. Then the Southern side we need to go all the way down to 5th ave. 

12:05 Speaker 1: 26

12:53 Speaker 6: Alright foxtrot 2. No signal 35 just 24 alpha. Nobody inside is hurt. 

13:09 Speaker 5: We finally found the victim. He was not stabbed. Got hit in the face. He's refusing treatment and transport. (GARBLED) were available charlie 8

13:16 Speaker 2: Rescue 23. We'll show you available charlie 8. 2120 hour. 

14:14 Speaker 4: Hotel 2 just for 43 I just located bullet casing inside of the restaurant. 

14:23 Speaker 7: Alachua rescue 23

14:25 Speaker 8: Rescue 23.

14:28 Speaker 7: We just cleared the stabbing call but we just saw ASO tear out of here. Is there something else going on that we need to respond to?

14:37 Speaker 8: Negative. 

14:39 Speaker 7: Copy that. 

14:55 Speaker 5: Just for 43 I also have a bullet in the wall. 

14:59 Speaker 1: 26

15:29 Speaker 5: 857 Gainesville.

15:31 Speaker 1: 857.

15:32 Speaker 5: I don't know if your heard my last but can we send some available units to (GARBLED) perimeter please. 

16:39 Speaker 6: Alachua 2 65 follow description. 

16:40 Speaker 1: Go ahead. 

16:42 Speaker 6: Younger Black male. Medium tone. Approximately 5'8 to 6ft. Black hoodie, completely plain. Half a ski mask to his nose, no hair showing. Unknown pants, silver handgun. 

16:56 Speaker 1: 10-4 (GARBED) on the call also said he was an employee of Zaxby's is that we know. 

17:05 Speaker 1: 54 so far we have the manager on their way back for video. 

19:25 Speaker 5: 857 to 87 1

19:26 Speaker 8: Go ahead. 

19:27 Speaker 5: With the additional units that you have can you just make sure they plug in the right spots. I'm working on a better description of direction of travel. I just wanna make sure were good when ASO gets here. 

19:39 Speaker 8: 10-4 from what I've seen were not. We haven't locked down the Western perimeter. 

19:43 Speaker 7: I'll work on that. 

19:44 Speaker 8: Okay thank you.

20:06 Speaker 6: Foxtrot 2 they said we have a dog coming last seen point is gonna be Westbound on 10th ave on the Southside of the sidewalk. The suspect is gonna have black bottoms.

20:18 Speaker 1: 10-7-02 (GARBLED) 

20:28 Speaker 6: Foxtrot 2 he's also gonna be a skinny build. 

20:29 Speaker 1: 26.

20:53 Speaker 8: 871 Gainesville. 

20:54 Speaker 1: 871

20:57 Speaker 8: if I'm half correct we have nobody (GARBLED) on 13th.

21:05 Speaker 1: That's what mine shows as well. 

21:17 Speaker 8: 10-4 857 you on scene?

21:38 Speaker 9: ASO 18-12 to 14-36 any other ASO units pull up on the Eastside of Zaxby's. 

21:49 Speaker 1: 55 to channel 1.

21:50 Speaker 8: Alpha 2

21:52 Speaker 1: If you could take the Westside and 13th Street. 

21:55 Speaker 8: I'm 51

22:17 Speaker 1: ASO do you guys need the-

22:18 Speaker 9: Sure you can put me at 13th and 16th Northwest.

22:20 Speaker 1: 13th and 16th Northwest. ASO do you guys need the description broadcasted. 

22:26 Speaker 9: Please. And can you have a GPD officer flag down us so we can get to the last scene point.

22:28 Speaker 1: (GARBLED)

22:31 Speaker 9: Is whiskey 2 where he need me at. 

22:35 Speaker 1: They need you to come to Westside. 

22:37 Speaker 9: 10-4

22:45 Speaker 6: (GARBLED) show me a 13th and 10th. 

22:48 Speaker 2: (GARBLED) 13th and 10th.

23:19 Speaker 1: For the ASO units `suspects gonna be a bravo mike, possibly around 17 years of age. Medium tone, 5'8 to 6 ft. Wearing black hoodie, black pants, skinny build, ski mask that went down to his nose, his hair was not showing. 10-41 silver handgun. Last seen headed Westbound on 10th avenue from South part of Zaxby's. 

23:42 Speaker 9: Quebec 2 I'm on 13 and 12th. 

23:44 Speaker 1: Quebec 2 13 and 12th. 

24:04 Speaker 10: Papa 2 will be 13 and 10.

24:06 Speaker 1: 13th and 10. 

24:52 Speaker 11: Which of ya'll be at 13th and 16th?

25:14 Whiskey can you believe oscar 2 is already at 13th and 16th. 

25:28 Speaker 11: I'm heading to 13th and 19th Avenue. 

25:32 Speaker 1: Alright 13th and 19th. 

25:40 Speaker 9: I'm at 13th and 7th on channel 1 call.

25:44 Speaker 2: 55 to channel 1. 

26:33 Speaker 9: ASO india 3 were headed Northeast of 10th ave and Northwest 2nd Street.

26:41 Speaker 10: Heading to(?) the parking lot. 

26:43 Speaker 1: Head Northeast 10th ave Northwest 2nd Street. 

26:48 Speaker 9: (GARBLED) we're in the parking lot of 219. There's two cazadores outside you'll see the white light. 

27:01 Speaker 1: Southside of 10-19. We have another(?) GPD unit that can go. 

27:06 Speaker 9: The wild flowers yoga building Southside.

27:16 Speaker 11: Two units(?) Westbound 10th ave.

27:20 Speaker 1: Westbound 10th ave. 

27:42 Speaker 4: Hotel 2. Where did those ASO units meet again.

27:45 Speaker 1: (GARBLED)

27:48 Speaker 9: The wildflowers go and collect the evidence of the robbery. It's two cash drawers. We're continuing West. 

27:56  I got a delta 2, 10-19 on Southside. 

27:58 Speaker 10: (GARBLED) on the Southside of the building. 

28:45 Speaker 9: Continuing West(?) (GARBLED)

28:49 Speaker 1: Westbound.

28:52 Speaker 11: Alachua brush 22 on scene. 

28:54 Speaker 2: Brush 22 on scene.

28:57 Speaker 9: Left of 4th Street. Turning back (GARBLED) 4th Street and 10th Avenue Westbound. Can you shift the perimeter West please?

29:46 Speaker 10: How much more West got it all the way to 13th.

29:47 Speaker 9: About to 6th Street. I'd say any of your Eastern perimeters move West.

29:56 Speaker 1: How far West? They were all the way to 13th Street.

30:02 Speaker 9: (GARBLED) top of my head. 

30:14 Speaker 5: 857 02.

30:17 Speaker 1: Go ahead. 

30:20 Speaker 5: I'm gonna walk the track that's happening. Can you go ahead and get STU in route. 

30:24 Speaker 1: 10-4

31:15 Speaker 10: South on 6th Street working towards the GPD station.

31:17 Speaker 1: South on 6th Street. 

31:18 Speaker 4: You wanna take 6th and 8th possibly?

Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL