Man Yells Racial Slurs at Police After Arrest

Man Yells Racial Slurs at Police After Arrest
Larry Wedding.

Last week Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) Deputy Carlos Julio responded to a domestic battery incident.

Larry Wedding, 47, and the victim were in an argument over lost medicine. Wedding reportedly shoved the victim to the ground and kicked her several times, resulting in her hospitalization.

Wedding told Julio that the victim hit him first but no injuries were observable. Post Miranda, Wedding denied kicking the victim and said she “sustained the injury as a result of [of] laying on the shoe.”

While being transported to ACSO Jail Wedding reportedly called officers racial slurs and said he will “sue, beat up, and strangle deputies,” after he’s released.

Wedding was released on a $5,000 bond. He has one felony and seven misdemeanor adjudications.

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Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL