Officer Who Pulled Over Terrell Bradley Conducts Unlawful Arrest

Updated April 10: Internal investigation on officers' actions after Bradley's maiming and arrest was added.
On January 2nd, 2024, several GPD officers, including Officer Andrew Milman, responded to a 911 call in Springtree where a woman repeatedly alleged that someone was trying to kill her. The woman did not provide her address, resulting in officers using a phone ping to determine her location. This led the officers to her neighbor's residence.
According to the arrest report, the neighbor did not comply with being unlawfully arrested, causing the officers to use force. Milman, who wrote the arrest report, does not detail how much force was used or what was specifically done in the neighbor's detainment.
Upon the officer’s arrival, the woman was found to be in her home by herself. She admitted to officers that there was no threat, stating she called 911 due to past events.
While being transported to jail, the woman reportedly threatened to kill Milman and the other officers. She has been charged with threatening a public servant and making a false 911 call.
On July 10, 2022, Officer Milman observed Terrell Bradley fail to stop when pulling out of a private driveway. Milman pulled over Bradley and found probable cause to ask him to step out of the vehicle.
Milman reported that Bradley struck him in the shoulder and fled the scene. Bradley was later located by a K-9 unit, and his right eye was mauled out of its socket by the dog.
On September 23, 2022, Officer Andrew Milman was found in violation of Gainesville Police Department (GPD) general order 26.1 for sending text messages to another officer regarding Terrell Bradely’s arrest.
According to the internal investigation Milman stated over the phone, “Maybe if these stories got around criminals will stop running from me.” Milman additionally made light of his GPD general order violations, stating, “Lol I’m up to three this year but I got unfounded in 2 and the third was me not turning my body camera footage on.”
Milman’s discipline involved written instruction, a 5-day suspension without pay, training from the city of Gainesville office of equity and inclusion, removal from the field training program, and 30 hours of on-duty community engagement. Milman was permitted to continue his employment as a police officer in Gainesville.