Gainesville Police Audio Transcripts 4/10/23 1:14am - 1:49 am

Gainesville Police Audio Transcripts 4/10/23 1:14am - 1:49 am

Source: Gainesville Police and Alachua Fire Radio from Broadcastify

This was transcribed by AI and then edited by a human.

1. Keep in mind a lot of this audio quality is poor and there may be mistakes. I've put in codes to flag possible inaccuracies:

(GARBLED): I cannot make the audio out.

(?): I have an idea of what they're saying but have doubts.

2. Also keep in mind that these officers frequently use law-enforcement specific codes. I will bold portions I believe are code and I've included an interpretations sheet for reference:

3. “Speaker ?” : unknown speaker. I’ve done my best to match all the voices to numbers but do keep in mind the numbers associated with the speakers may be incorrect at times

4. “...”  : Long pause same speaker

Part 1/2. This portion starts at approximately 1:14 am on 4/10/23 and ends at 1:20 am


[00:00:09.050] - Speaker 1

You guys got a 22 glock shot just on the backside of Bricks. Two individuals involved. Shots fired. Male run inside.


[00:00:23.860] - Speaker 2

Shots fired.

[00:00:25.000]- Speaker 3:

I hear shots! Shots!

[00:00:35.000] -Speaker 2:

Okay. Go ahead on three.

[00:00:48.580] - Speaker 3

I don't want to hear people in jail (?)

[00:00:53.480] - Speaker 4

You owe me another CR (police chronological record) please?

00:00:59 - Speaker 2: Can do.

00:01:06 (GARBLED)

00:01:13 - Speaker 2

Are there any victims?

00:01:18 Speaker 3

I don't see that (?)

00:01:37 Speaker 3

I need a vehicle

[00:01:41.210] - Speaker 2

Where do you need a car? Where do y'all need a car?

00:02:05 Speaker 3

Oh. Come downtown. Please stop firing (?). Just come downtown.

[00:02:15.860] - Automated Voice

Street. Operate On Alpha-

[00:02:18.880] - Speaker 4

They're going to be on University and Southwest 1st in the corner. They just put the suspect in the vehicle and I see them walking around that corner, so corresponding units can help on there.

[00:02:31.340] - Speaker 2

Southwest 1st.

00:02:32 -Speaker 5

Gainesville, (GARBLED) someone was just hit on University Ave.

[00:02:40.220] - Speaker 4

Close University.

00:02:48 - Speaker 3

Stop them grates (?)

[00:02:52.280] - Speaker 2

Bring what?

[00:03:01.840] - Speaker 4

Unit 3, could you send EMS to my location? We're possibly sitting on 19.

[00:03:11.630] - Speaker 2


[00:03:15.430] - Speaker 4

Pull up the email. (GARBLED)

(Background noise)

[00:03:35.680] - Speaker 6

Correct 231, Confirm response. South of 30 (?)

[00:03:36.780] - Speaker 7

Ok send EMS at once or what (?)

[00:03:49.290] - Speaker 1

Yeah. 201.

[00:03:49.690] - Speaker 4

10-4 Gainesville. The southwest corner of 100 west.

[00:03:59.100] - Speaker 2

Ok, your call. Your patient was running from the shots, scene fired--  avenue, but downtown just had shots fired so if there are any females down there, they're staying down there. Carl Rising (?) is also screaming in the background.

[00:04:31.730] - Automated Voice

Engine three--

00:04:33 Speaker 3

No, two.

00:04:39 Automated Voice


00:04:41 Speaker 2

(GARBLED) on crime scene, please

00:04:48 Automated Voice

Garden's apartments. Operate on Alpha 30185--


00:04:53 Speaker 2

Slot (?) 1 to EMS--


[00:05:13.060] - Speaker 2

On University and Main!

[00:05:23.490] - Automated Voice

Location Shooting: 100 West University Avenue. West University Avenue. Operate On Alpha Three. Engine 1.

[00:05:31.080] - Speaker 3

Have EMS come for the gunshot wound victim at (GARBLED) the parking lot

00:05:38 Automated Voice


[00:05:40.140] - Speaker 2

10-26. Got a pregnant patient--

[00:05:45.170] - Speaker 3

Got another one shot! 100 South Main

00:05:51 Speaker 2

100 South Main

00:06:00 Speaker 4

Go to channel two and send us everybody you got.

00:06:05 Speaker 3

Another victim at 100 South Main. Another victim 100 South Main. And they (GARBLED YELLING)

Part 2/2. Starts at 1:20am - 1:49am  on 4/10/23

PART 2real

00:00:12  - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) You have radio traffic?

00:00:15 [00:01:52.600] - Speaker 3

Alright, 906. Southeast 1st ave, southeast 1st street. Three black males running south, one red jacket.

00:00:23- Speaker 2

Copy that. Southeast 1st ave, Southeast 1st street.

00:00:26  - Speaker 3

We're here! We're here! We're here! Turn around.


00:00:41 Speaker 4

(GARBLED) 1033

00:00:43  - Speaker 2

GPD has a victim at southeast 1st street, Southeast 1st avenue. There's going to be a second gun shot victim at 100 South Main Street.

00:00:50  - Speaker 4

Is there a potential other victims at a different corner?

00:00:56 Speaker 3

Come over here to me! (GARBLED)

00:00:56 Speaker 4

They got one detained. Red jacket.

00:01:15 - Speaker 2

So it's channel one and channel two you'll have?

00:01:16 Speaker 5

We got one in front of Simon's. Laceration to the forehead.

00:01:27 Speaker 6

Can you confirm your 1015 location?


00:01:37 Speaker 6



00:01:54 - Lifeline bot

Squad one. Rescue 31. Shooting: 100 West University Avenue. West University Avenue, operate on ave-- operate on Alpha 30121

00:02:18  - Speaker 2

Channel one and channel two are 10-33. I believe they have suspects on channel one and changing patient triage.

00:02:25 Speaker 4


00:02:36 Speaker 2

And we just had a 4PI (?) come in. Vehicle versus pedestrian at University and 1st.

00:02:45 Speaker 3

What's going to (GARBLED) at Simon's

00:03:00 - Life Line Bot

Pedestrian. West University Avenue and Southwest First Street. Operate on alpha three. Rescue 35 tower one vehicle VS

00:03:26 - Speaker 4

We need one more unit right here off of 1st by Oak so we can put somebody in the car.

00:03:39  - Speaker 2

If you're downtown, you're the only person in channel so everybody else is on channel one.

00:03:44 Speaker 5

First two if I'm responding.

00:03:58 - Speaker 4

We need EMS for 100 South Main for a second shooting. They need to come pop. Let's see this place.

00:04:04 Speaker 6

Do we have EMS around for a second gunshot victim?

00:04:12 - Speaker 2

We need to block off Main and University all the way down to about 200/300 west

00:04:26 Speaker 4

We need at 100 University Avenue with one patient.

00:04:43 - Speaker 3

My 3 (?) victim is laying down in front of Simons. I'm 1012 with him. I don't know if you have EMS in route for him right now.

00:04:49 - Speaker 2

I'm doing 100 West and 100 South Main

00:04:55 - Speaker 3

In front of Simon's.

00:05:16 Speaker 4

We need two separate CRs for each call. One for Simon's and one for the other shooting. That's the number.

00:05:24 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) Tower One pedestrian motor vehicles.

00:05:28- Speaker 3

(GARBLED) It appears we have two separate shootings. One at 100 South Main. One on University. The incident has been assigned as a hit and run with a pedestrian

00:05:41- Lifeline Bot

{weird sound}

00:05:42 - Speaker 2

981 26

00:05:44 (GARBLED)

00:05:45 - Lifeline Bot

Shooting. 100 West University Avenue. West University Avenue. Operate on Alpha 30 125.

00:05:52 - Speaker 2


00:05:53 - Speaker 3

This is 261

00:05:56 Speaker 2


00:05:56 Speaker 4

057 Sierra 5 7? (?)

00:05:57 - Speaker 2

Go ahead

00:05:58 - Speaker 4

Could you send a mobile South 200 west University ave I need one of those cars to go up to main and university and block this park completely.

00:06:06 - Speakers 2 and 3


00:06:26 - Speaker 4

Are there any supervisors on channel (GARBLED)

00:06:36 Speaker ?

[Loudly] Who has Vehicle 44 24 needs to move.

00:06:44 Speaker ?

It's going to be a third gun shot wound (GARBLED) We already have EMS.

00:06:52 (GARBLED)

00:06:54 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) patrol on 200 South Main Turn all Northbound traffic around.

00:07:03 - Speaker 2

Mark vehicle and go to 200 South Main.

00:07:09 (GARBLED)

00:07:17 (GARBLED)


(GARBLED) Patient at Shands We're not sure if it's related or not yet.

00:07:25 -Speaker 3


00:07:38 - Speaker 3

859 (GARBLED)  two units over here at 100 West? We surrounded by a crowd with our gunshot wound. Victim and EMS is trying to work.

00:07:48 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) go over to 100 west

00:07:50 Speaker ?

(GARBLED) on 100 West

00:08:00 (GARBLED)

00:08:12 - Speaker 3

788 reference. We've got two birds in the air watching. If you guys need us to look for any suspects or vehicles or anything, please let us know.

00:08:26 - Speaker 2

11 12 10 55 at 10 28(?)  of the signal 3 vehicles

00:08:33 Speaker 5

Go ahead

00:08:36 Speaker ?

(GARBLED) we're going to be at 100 South Main street.

00:08:42 -Speaker 5

10-4 (GARBLED)

00:08:49 - Speaker 3

People waving me down at uh

00:08:51 (GARBLED)

00:09:03 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) vehicle (GARBLED) they already moved their vehicle

00:09:07 - Speaker 2


00:09:08 - Speaker 3

He's trying to get through(?)

00:09:10-Speaker 2

He's unable to right now, he's with the suspect.

00:09:23 (GARBLED)

00:09:24 - Speaker 3

Alright So the first gunshot wound victim from 100 South Main has been transported. Injured one and rescue 30 or treat the second gunshot wound

00:09:32 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) on channel three.

00:09:42-Speaker 3


00:09:44 - Speaker 2

We have a 22 off uh 520 northeast 21st Lane. Do we wanna request a (GARBLED) response to it? It's a juvenile that had a knife and also had a hammer

00:09:54 Speaker ?

10-4(?)  I was trying to see if I can get in touch with lieutenant Scott, but go ahead and send them because we don't have anybody

00:10:00 -Speaker 2

who's received.

00:10:26 - Speaker 3

100 west with crimes and tape. Anything.

00:10:29 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) 100 west with guns and tape

00:10:37 - Speaker 2

you need anything(?) go to 100 west with crime scene tape

00:10:39 - Speaker 8

Thank you reference. I have crime scene tape.

00:10:52 - Lifeline Bot

Engine two, rescue 36, pregnancy

00:10:55 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) 100 South Main please.

00:11:00 (GARBLED)

00:11:02- Speaker 3

Gainesville uh Forensics detectives, et cetera.

00:11:07 (GARBLED, multiple voices)

00:11:11 - Speaker ?

Let me get EMS 51 south east 1st Street and Southeast first ave. Reference a lone male, constant breathing, complaining of ankle pain.

00:11:21 Speaker 2


00;11:46 - Speaker 3

District One from Tower One.

00:11:48 (GARBLED)

00:11:50 - speaker 8

(GARBLED) Operations on Alpha Five

00:12:01 Speaker 3

message received

00:12:07 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) Alachua

00:12:09 - Speaker 3

University ave come in

00:12:10 - Speaker 2

law force is requesting EMS to 100 Southeast First Avenue. Reference a conscious breathing male with ankle pain.

00:12:20 - Speaker 3

Message received We can divert tower One and the third rescue that location.

00:12:27 - Speaker 2

See it's. Diverting tower one and rescue 35 to that location. 100 Southeast for Southeast 1st ave

00:12:32 - Speaker ?

Since called back and they're now at University Avenue and Northwest 3rd street.

00:12:37 - Speaker 3

Do this is six nine five reference. Detectives call out. I got them.

00:12:41 - Speaker 2

Thank you.

00:12:49 - Speaker ?


00:12:50 Speaker 2


00:12:57 - Speaker 4

(GARBLED) go for the first shooting at least is a jacked up white truck with blue led lights

00:13:08 - Speaker 2


00:13:11 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) That came by here 600 west shortly after. So it's not going to be anywhere in the area.

00:13:22 - Speaker ?

(GARBLED) You got that person's info around at Aloha Liquors earlier?

00:13:31 -SPeaker ?

West Second Street across or excuse me 3rd street across from the A T and T building.

00:13:39 Speaker 3

copy 1 it's on 3rd street(?)

00:13:50 (GARBLED)

00:13:54 Speaker ?

Uh  located some pacing.

00:13:56 Speaker 3 (GARBLED)

00:14:10 -Lifeline Bot

Rescue 81, assault eleven 0-1, southeast 15th street.

00:14:17 - Speaker 3

Just inform me, do we have somebody in route to stand to check on the other GSW(Gunshot wound)  to see if thats related.

00:14:27 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) are Following the ambulance to Shands

00:14:34  - Speaker 3

I thought there was a third victim that checked themselves in to Shands

00:14:37 - Speaker 2

That is correct...  Shot In the groin area. No, it doesn't look like we have anybody in route there yet.

00:14:53 - Speaker 3

Oscar three. I'll check in with the third three reference. Second Heather.

00:14:56 Speaker 2


00:15:07 - Speaker 2

Alpha three officers responding

00:15:10 - Speaker 3


00:15:18 - Speaker 3

District One from Tower One...  where I was GPD right in front of Oak restaurant at First Ave and First Street Southeast.

00:15:54 - Speaker 3

Tower One, university Avenue Command.

00:15:56 Speaker ?

Tower one

00:15:57 - Speaker 3

We've located the vehicle versus pedestrians. Do you need a rescue to your location?

00:16:02 - Speaker 4

Not as much as there, I'm sure, when you know.

00:16:05 - Speaker 3

Copy to university ave come in

00:16:07 - Speaker 2

University ave coming in

00:16:08 - Speaker 3

The 234 has got the vehicle versus pedestrian in front of Simons on South Main we'll need additional additional rescue for Tower One's Patient in front of Oak off of Southeast First Avenue.


We got a possible 22 (GARBLED) pot shots in front of levels.(?)  How's 97 on there?

00:16:44 - Speaker 2

(GARBLED) 22(?)

00:16:52 Speaker ?

(GARBLED) were clear(?)

00:16:58 - Speaker 2

Alachua CC four

00:17:00 -Speaker ?

C four.

00:17:01  - Speaker 2

We can come available and take the patient. That Tower One needs a rescue for. I think we're going to be the closest unit at this time.

00:17:10 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) I'll make you available again and put you on tower one.


5 Consecutive beeps

00:17:19 - Lifeline bot

Rescue 34, vehicle vs. Bike or pedestrian. West University Avenue and Southwest first street. Operate on Alpha Three. Rescue 34. Vehicle vs bike or pedestrian West University Avenue and Southwest first street. Operate on alpha 3 0 137.

00:17:38 - Speaker 2

Rescue 34 Alachua

00:17:40 - Speaker 3

Seven eight five Warren.


6 consecutive beeps

00:17:57 - Speaker 3


00:18:02 - Speaker 2


00:18:04 - Speaker 3

Hey in front of Simon. Do you have another unit.  in concerns your way(?) to help with team security?

00:18:17 - Speaker 4

(GARBLED) district 1 has fallen(?)

00:18:19 - Speaker ?



6 consecutive beeps

00:18:26 - Lifeline Bot

CC four. Vehicle v s bike or  Pedestrian. West University Avenue and Southwest First Street. Operate on Alpha Three. CC4. Vehicle vs bike or pedestrian. West University Avenue and South First Street. Operate on alpha 30 137.

00:18:44 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) Keep going over it. We just need people to watch the crime tapes.

00:18:53 - Speaker 5

Coming over to you now.

00:19:00 - Speaker 2


00:19:06 - Speaker 6

Tower 1 Rescue 35, (GARBLED)

00:19:09 - Speaker 3


00:19:10 - Speaker 2


00:19:11 - Speaker 6

Um Can we see if Sergeant Pandak, detective Rosano, um Beckable Corville. And those detectives are working? If so, can you have them dispatch downtown, please?

00:19:28 -  Speaker 3

Detective Williams with me. She's about to pull up.

00:19:32 - Speaker ?

We probably don't need multiple detectives for this.

00:19:39 - Speaker 3

No, absolutely. I'm just letting you know. She's going to be at the 100 South Main.

00:19:44 - Speaker 2


00:19:46 - Lifeline bot

Alpha 5

00:19:47 - Speaker 2

Just want to confirm we have the two GSW victims and then the possible third that walked into Shands.

00:20:09 - Speaker 7

(GARBLED) Full rescue 30 call 140(?) Alachua rescue 30

00:20:14- Speaker ?


00:20:17 - Speaker 7

Rescue 30

00:20:19 - Speaker 2

Two trauma (GARBLED) in. 29 year old

00:20:21  - Speaker 3

Trying to figure that out. Give me a second

00:20:23 - Speaker 2:

10-4. Do you have radio traffic


00:20:58 - Speaker ?

Alachua engine 5 responding

00:20:59 - Speaker 2

Engine five responding.


00:21:24 Speaker 2

(GARBLED) Alachua

00:21:29 Speaker ?


00:21:38 Speaker ?

This is 10-57



00:21:46 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) With a male patient, 23 years old. Been trauma, ordered to Shands vehicle versus pedestrian.

00:21:58 Speaker ?


00:22:01 - Speaker 3

we're still on scene or getting ID access and testing the patient. We will be transporting trauma to Shands.

00:22:13 - Speaker ?

So far.

00:22:21 - Speaker ?

Message received. theres no patient?

00:22:25- Speaker 8

Oh, however, they are saying that there is somebody with a sprained ankle in the area as well. In the area? And we have multiple calls and they're still trying to start out who is the patient for Which incident

00:22:49 - Speaker ?

(GARBLED) Alachua 22(?)

00:22:52 - Speaker 8


00:22:54 -Speaker 3

was that traffic for us?


6 consecutive beeps

00:23:03 - Lifeline bot

Rescue 34 Vehicle vs. Bike or pedestrian West University Avenue and Southwest First Street. Operate on Alpha Three. Rescue 34. Vehicle vs bike or pedestrian. West University Avenue and Southwest first street. Operate on Alpha 30 142.

00:23:30 - Speaker 2

Okay, confirm if it's in command, that ya'll need a second transport.

00:23:39 - Speaker 8

Negative. We're reassigning the rescue. We're going to send you a different rescue to a company.

00:23:51 - Speaker 3

Alachua Rescue 34 Are we getting an interception on?

00:23:54 - Speaker 2

Did anybody call for a lead filler?

00:24:11 - Speaker 2

Go ahead.

00:24:12 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) Reference signal three. Um It will be Um reverified to a signal four. We made contact with the driver. She was trying to get away from the chaos that was going on downtown with the shootings. So it'll be a signal four.

00:24:28 - Speaker 2

10-4 All of you are really busy, but when you get a chance, please try to reset your VP.

00:24:34 - Speaker 3

Yes, ma'am.

00:24:35 - Speaker 2

Thank you.

00:24:48 - Speaker 3

(GARBLED) Sending My location. I'm at South, Main and Southeast first ave. I'm with a witness. that has video of the shooting, but he's only willing to share with a detective, a sergeant or a lieutenant.

00:25:09 (GARBLED)

00:25:16 - Speaker 2

Is there a detective on the call that can go to the South Main and first ave.

00:25:23  Speaker ?


00:25:30 Speaker 2

26 10 One of them go over there

00:25:34 Speaker ?


00:25:35 Speaker 2

South Main and 1st. He has a witness and video, but will only share with a detective, lieutenant or sergeant.


00:25:42 - Speaker 3

Six nine five

00:25:43 Speaker 2


00:25:55 Speaker ?

University ave coming into Alachua

00:25:57 Speaker 3

six nine five Gainesville

00:25:58 - Speaker 2

six nine five

00:26:00 - Speaker 3

I don't know an easier way to do this, but whoever pointed out the people running with a red jacket, that was a suspect in the shooting, we need to talk to those witnesses. Whatever officers were pointing to follow them, we need to go find those witnesses and say why. Because we have three people detained....  They're possibly security at... Simons.

00:26:32 Speaker 8

Hey, it's Campbell. I'm coming over there now.

00:26:40 Speaker 3

Khalif, are you able to make contact with the security and see if we can get them to help us out so we can identify these folks?

00:26:47 Speaker ?

I'll be 97 here in about 10 seconds.

00:27:02 Speaker ?

The suspects still on scene Law enforcement has not advised (GARBLED) 27 hours.

00:27:41 Speaker 3

Alachua university ave come in

00:27:43 - Speaker 2


00:27:51 - Speaker 3

All three that were on scene but transported. Scene turned over. Law enforcement man is terminated. District one is available.

00:28:02 Speaker ?

Alachua rescue 36

00:28:08 - Speaker 2

Law enforcement commands terminated. District One available. 148 hours.

0028:15 : - Speaker 3

Patient anymore that we're talking about?

00:28:22 Speaker 8

We're clarifying that the patient for this pregnancy call has left, but there is a patient in the area in front of the Oak. They have a sprained ankle. Close out that call and generate a new call for you guys.

00:28:46 Speaker ?

(GARBLED) rescue, 35.

00:28:48 -Speaker 2


00:28:49 -Speaker ?

My MDT is not working correctly. Where's 23 at(?)



00:29:03 -Speaker 3

If we're going to clear off of this call, don't assign us anything until GBD actually finds a patient.

00:29:14 Speaker ?

This is Steve

00:29:20 Speaker 3

Alachua rescue 35 on TAC Five. We're on Northeast First and Northeast 6th Avenue. I think we'll be closer than 23 to that overdose with engine 5

00:29:38  Speaker ?

(GARBLED)message received Alachua...  rescue. 23, Alachua


Jack Walden

Jack Walden

Jack Walden is the creator of Gnvinfo and a 2nd year journalism major at Santa Fe College. From general information, to exposing falsehoods and corruption, Jack seeks to deliver the truth.
Gainesville, FL