Press Release: Man Arrested for Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material

Press Release: Man Arrested for Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Material
Press Release From GPD

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the Gainesville Police Department Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Division, with the assistance of GPD SWAT, served a search warrant at 2800 SW 35* PL, Apt 1202. The investigation was prompted after GPD received a Cyber Tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The Cyber Tip indicated that a Kik user possessed, and shared, child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on their platform.
Further investigation by Detective Montague, of the Gainesville Police Department, revealed that the likely account holder was David W Addis (W/M, 07/02/1991) who resides at the listed location. During a post Miranda interview, Addis initially advised that the email address listed in the CyberTip was his, but he denied ownership on the reported Kik account; stating that he sent his content to someone else, and they must have created the account pretending to be him. Addis later advised that it was his Kik account, but that he didn't know he was chatting with minors. Eventually, Addis advised that it was his account used to solicit, possess and distribute child sexual abuse material. This material involved males and females both pre-pubescent as well as pubescent minors. Addis agreed that one of the female victims looked as young as five to seven years of age.
Digital forensic examiners were able to locate child sexual abuse material on Addis' cell-phone which was consistent with the reporting from Kik.
Addis was subsequently arrested for two counts of possession of child pornography, eight counts of distribution of child pornography and three counts of transmission of harmful material to minors. A complete analysis of Addis' seized devices is still pending.
The Gainesville Police Department wants parents to be aware that children are being solicited and exploited through social networking and messaging apps. We encourage parents to have age appropriate conversations with their children about the dangers of the internet. Please be vigilant and aware of any social networking platforms your children may access.
If you have any questions about this incident, please contact GPD Detective Donna Montague at: 352-393-7730 or