SF College Holding Debate Today

Updated 5:05 p.m: The debate can be viewed on Youtube.
Santa Fe (SF) College will be hosting a debate today at the Northwest campus in the WA building from 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Executive branch positions of student body president, vice president, treasurer, and chief-justice are all up for election.
The room number of the debate is currently unknown, but it will be on the first floor and SF College will likely provide some indication of its location before 4:00 p.m.
There are two days left to vote in the election. Students can open a link sent on their school email to vote.
There are currently five parties, but only the SF United Party and the Future Forward Party have been campaigning around campus. Last week, the front-runners spoke with GnvInfo about their goals if elected.

SF College Supreme Court Justice Michael Salvo provided the following list of candidates:
La Gran Columbia:
P - Jorge Salasar
VP - Rafaella Toral
T - David Pena
CJ - Veronica Danin
SF United:
P- JP Dishinger
VP - Gabe Taveiros
T - Massimo Gonzalez
United Saints:
P - Emmy Scott-White
VP - Gianna Rivera
T - Alessio Sincore
Future Forward:
P - Bryce Gillingham
VP - Jessenia Almanzar
P - Henry Bourtman
VP - Cameron Rowe
Independent Candidates:
CJ - Jacob Bignon
T/CJ - Madison Foote
T - Max Eidelman
T - Hanna Neugaard
T - Amariona Williams
T - Miguel Gomez
CJ - Cristal Avendano