On Tuesday, in a rally organized by the Gainesville Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), several activist groups and local community members paid tribute to Lebanese victims of Israeli attacks.
The rally came
Editor’s Notes | GnvInfo was not physically present at this information session. It is being covered from videos that were sent.
On Tuesday, members of the University of Florida (UF) Divestment Coalition (UFDC)
“Everyone needs a job; just don’t sell your soul,” a protester said to University of Florida (UF) students walking into the career fair Monday.
Members of the University of Florida (UF) Divestment
[Correction Sep 25: originally incorrectly reported name and position of the Alachua County Language Access Coordinator]
On Sunday, September 22, Gainesville residents consisting of immigrants and citizens gathered at Bo-Diddley Plaza to celebrate
Thursday afternoon, Gainesville activists gathered outside City Hall during the City Commission meeting to demand that the city divest from all corporations.
The protest came shortly after Palestinian-Lebanese Gainesville resident Bana Kabalan was