Editor’s Notes: Some individuals and locations have been redacted on the incident reports and will be labeled as “[Redacted].” Some sensitive and personal information has been cut from the incident report transcriptions.
Judge David Kreider has accepted St Patrick Interparish Catholic School child molester Christopher Chell’s plea deal petition and sentenced him to five years probation with time served.
Chell offered to plead no
All charges against St. Patrick Interparish Catholic school Assistant Principal Ryan Clemens for his alleged coverup of sexual abuses committed by physical education (P.E.) teacher Christopher Chell have been dropped.
Clemens was
Ryan Clemens and Christopher Chell have been handed several more cases and charges for their crimes against children at St. Patrick Interparish K-8 Catholic school while respectively working as the assistant principal and
Ryan Clemens, who was employed as the Assistant Principal of St. Patrick Interparish Catholic School, has made a motion to modify his conditions of pretrial release as he is facing charges for child