Waldo Man Achieves Speeds of Over 130 MPH While Fleeing State Trooper, Subsequently Arrested

A Waldo man was arrested on Sunday and charged with fleeing the police, resisting an officer without violence, drug possession, and marjuana possession.
Around 8:00 pm Mitchell Griffin, 21, reached speeds of over 130 miles per hour (MPH) while fleeing from a state trooper.
Trooper C.W. Ball reported that he attempted to pull over Griffin after seeing him on the highway driving at speeds of 90 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. Griffin elected not to stop and began to increase his speed.
Griffin reached a neighborhood in Waldo, reportedly running several stop signs and narrowly avoiding vehicles.
Twice, Ball attempted to immobilize Griffin’s vehicle using a precise maneuver; however, he failed both times.
Soon after, Griffin stopped his vehicle and laid down on the ground. He was subsequently arrested.
Ball’s partner, Trooper Garrett Worth, located what Ball reported as a “green leafy substance [that] appeared to be marjuana.”
Griffin is on probation for grand theft auto and has four felony adjudications for property crimes; non-violent. His bail is $30,000.